Videos to inspire you. My clients love them, I hope you do as well.

“It feels like you are in my house and can see me interact with my kids! Like you read my mind and can hear my thoughts!”

On saving our kids from suffering

On why can’t I say “no”?

On faces of the ego

On repairing

On the space between

On managing time

On unreal expectations

On who am I doing this for?

On success with Iker, my special guest

On trust


My parent transformation began while exploring the future of education in 2016

When my husband and I realized that we were not going to be able to change the obsolete education system but that we had control over how we, parents, could evolve in order to help our children become the version of themselves their life needs. We learned it was not about them or about the system or the teachers or the curriculum, we learned it was about us!